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we specialize in

Whatever the problem is, we are confident we can help you regain your full potential as we treat a wide variety of conditions and injuries.


Whether your condition was caused by sport, an accident or otherwise, we welcome the chance to help you.



Listed below are some of the most common conditions we see at the LBPC.


Soft tissue

Soft tissue techniques

Your health in good hands

Whether you are training for a competitive event or simply want to ease tight, sore muscles, Massage Therapy offers a number of benefits:

Regular sports massage can maintain and often improve range of motion and flexibility in the muscles

  • relief from everyday muscular aches & pains

  • headaches

  • injury prevention & faster healing

  • improved circulation

  • improved posture & flexibility

  • relaxation & enhanced health / well-being

We specialise in the following types of massage

Sports massage

This special form of massage is typically used before, during or after sporting events. However, sports massage is not just for sports people; it is for anyone who desires a deep tissue massage.

Myofascial release (MFR)

​Myofascial Release is often referred to as the missing link in traditional healthcare.

MFR is a very gentle hands on technique that involves light stretching, massage and sustained pressure to release muscle tension and break up scar tissue. This is an excellent option for people with chronic pain, general discomfort, muscle spasms or sensitive pain.

During pregnancy your body goes through anatomical changes. Prenatal massage is designed to specifically to aid these changes. It promotes relaxation, decreases anxiety and relieves tension on muscles. It has also been shown to ease pain in the first stage of labour and make the contractions feel more manageable. It can also reduce labour time and be used as pain relief if required.

Remedial massage

Aimed at anyone who is wanting to relieve tension, decrease pain and remove toxins out of the body.

If you would like to know more about our massage therapy or wish to book yourself in for an assessment please

contact us  or phone us on  01209 698535  07905 493 184


What is a fascia?

Put shortly, a fascia is a clingfilm-like substance that wraps around all our muscles and organs, offering support and reducing friction during everyday movement.

'Myofascial release' is a set of techniques that aim to give this 'clingfilm' a workout, stretching and smoothing it so your body works at its optimum level.


Acupuncture (dry needling)

Relieving pain, promoting health


Recent medical research supports the efficacy of acupuncture in treating a wide range of painful conditions including:


​Acupuncture does much more than reduce pain. It has been shown to have beneficial effects on immunity, circulation and promoting a general sense of well-being.


At The Lady Basset Physiotherapy Centre all of our physiotherapists practising acupuncture are AACP qualified and registered members.

  • Acute or chronic soft tissue injuries

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • Back Pain and Sciatica

  • Tendonitis

  • Muscle spasm

  • Muscle and Joint pain

  • Muscle strains

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Tennis or golfer’s elbow

  • Overuse injuries

  • Whiplash injury & Neck Pain

  • Osteoarthritis


Acupuncture is a very effective modality used by the Physiotherapists at LBPC to help reduce pain, muscle spasm and inflammation, and to accelerate the recovery of injuries to muscles, tendons, fascia, and ligaments. Fine needles stimulate the nerves in skin and muscle and acupuncture is proven to increase the body's release of natural painkillers - endorphins and serotonin.

If you would like to know more about acupuncture or wish to book yourself in for an assessment please

contact us  or phone us on  01209 698353  -  07905 493 184


When you apply multiple treatment techniques you are more likely to gain a faster and more effective recovery...


We will discuss the most suitable treatment plan with you at the time of your appointment."

Acupuncture is rarely used as a standalone treatment and will normally be part of an overall treatment strategy.

Education Exercise

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible

Education & Exercise

At The Lady Basset Physiotherapy Centre a large part of the treatment is to provide advice and education about your specific problem and how best to manage it during the healing process.


We will spend time designing a home programme for you, this will not involve lists of exercises, but two or three targeted movement patterns.

If you would like to know more about an exercise programme or wish to book yourself in for an assessment please

contact us  or phone us on 

01209 698353  -  07905 493 184

3. Treatment

With our pain relieving methods, hands-on skills and rehabilitation you will receive out-and-out expert care.

2. Assessment

We will take you through an objective  assessment, consisting of various physical tests, in order to form a possible diagnosis.

4. Results

The best bit, seeing long lasting results through treatment, rehabilitation and re-assessments.

1. Consultation

Your treatment begins with a subjective assessment, consisting of a series of questions, designed to ascertain your situation, symptoms and expectations.  


​Therapeutic ultrasound use sound waves to treat injuries. The main effects of ultrasound are an increase in blood flow in the treated area, a decrease in pain from the reduction of swelling, and the softening of scar tissue from massage of muscle tendons and ligaments.


Ultrasound (Therapeutic)

​Not to be confused with the ultrasound used during pregnancy!

Ultrasound may be used as an additional treatment to manage a number of symptoms including:

  • muscle spasm

  • muscle strains

  • ligament sprains

  • tendonitis

  • bursitis

  • scar tissue

  • trigger points

  • muscle adhesions

During application of Ultrasound Therapy, the physiotherapist will apply a gel to the area that will be treated. The time and power at which Ultrasound is applied is calculated by your physiotherapist based on several factors including the time since injury, the depth of the tissue being treated and the size of the area being treated.


The ultrasound machine produces high-frequency sound waves which stimulates blood circulation and cell activity, which in turn accelerates the healing process.

If you would like to know more about how Ultrasound could help you or wish to book yourself in for an assessment please

contact us  or phone us on 

01209 698353  -  07905 493 184


​The application of the tape is specific to every individual and we will use clinical reasoning to determine the taping method best suited to your needs.

Kinesiology Tape

Kinesiology tape is a great way to

relieve pain and  inflammation

If you would like to find out if taping would be suitable for your injury or would like to book an appointment

contact us  or phone us on 

01209 698353  -  07905 493 184


​If you have watched any kind of sport over the last few years, you will have no doubt seen athletes with colourful tape on their bodies. This is called 'Kinesiology Taping' and is a technique used by physiotherapists for injury prevention or rehabilitation.


It is designed to facilitate the body's natural healing process whilst giving joints and muscles additional stability without restricting the body's range of movement.


​The specialist physiotherapists at here at LBPC are fully trained in how to apply effective taping depending on your goals of treatment.

Kinesiology Tape

Mobilisations & manipulations

​Most people are aware that chiropractors and osteopaths use treatment techniques that ‘click’ and mobilise the spine or joints. What isn't as widely recognised is Physiotherapists have also been effectively using these techniques for years.


The joints in our body may become stiff and painful after injury, an operation or through wear and tear. Once a movement in a joint is reduced a vicious circle of pain and stiffness develops.


Joint mobilisation is a hands-on movement technique applied to a stiff and / or painful joint. The aim is to restore full movement of the joint, reduce pain and relax surrounding tight muscles.

We want you to have a long and lasting recovery

Joint manipulation is used for similar reasons but is a more advanced technique and is often associated with a ‘click’ of the joint. This approach is used to break down scar tissue/adhesions, remove a blockage in a joint and to restore joint movement.

If you would like to know more about mobilisations and manipulations or wish to book yourself in for an assessment please

contact us  or phone us on   01209 698353  -  07905 493 184


"Some days, leaving the house can be

Painful or even Impossible"

Home Visits

1-2-1 Yoga Classes

Hatha Yoga
Yoga Pose
Woman practicing yoga

Yin Yoga

In Yin Yoga, rather than working the muscles, we stress the deeper tissue layers which include ligaments, tendons and even bones. To do this, we hold postures for longer periods of time and focus on relaxing the muscles. This results in the release of tension in the body and a calming of the mind. It is a practice of patience and letting go.

We are pleased to now offer 1-2-1 Yoga Classes at the LBPC. There are many proven health benefits of Yoga, these include:  

  • Improves flexibility

  • Builds strength

  • Improves balance

  • Supports joint health

  • Eases and prevents back pain

  • Encourages better breathing

  • Reduces stress

  • Increases self-confidence

  • Improves sleep


Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is a traditional form of physical yoga practice. Working from the ground up, we move from one posture to the next in a gradually building slow flow, holding postures in order to find ease in the body and stillness in the mind. 

If you would like to know more about 1-2-1 Yoga Classes or wish to book yourself in for a session please

contact us  or phone us on 

01209 698353  -  07905 493 184

1-2-1 Yoga Classes

Home visits

If you’re suffering the side-effects of injury, illness or disability and want to alleviate the pain and improve how you feel, we can help.  We offer full rehabilitation and manual therapy visits to your home.

If you don’t like gyms or short on time, we also offer home personal training visits. Whether your goal is weight loss, sports specific fitness or injury recovery, we’re here to help achieve those goals in the comfort of your own home.

To book your home visit appointment, simply contact us or give one of our experts a call on 01209 698353

we are pleased to now offer

Yoga Pose
Yoga Practice
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